Wednesday, 13 November 2013

The waters have broken - come and drink

In August 2012 we posted on the blog, “Let the spiritual midwives say ‘yes and amen – you can do this’, catch the second wind of the Holy Spirit, bear down and Pray Until Something Happens” This was in response to a range of maternity, baby dreams and words given by the Father to a range of people between 1 May 2011 and 17 March 2012. 

Another recent dream with two unrelated and yet prophetically connected baby birth events has been followed with this word for the church being laid on Elizabeth’s heart.
“I sense God is saying I am birthing the impossible things. Run with it. Do not hold back. Nothing can stop the birth of the new thing I am doing. Heal the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead, set the captives free. The time is now. Do not be afraid. I am with you. The ground is prepared. Now is the time for harvest."
Rock sculpture over old healing water well in Wells Park

A second word we’ve had repeated recently is, “it’s time to strike the rock” (Steve Wadey, summer 2013 and Stephane' November 2013). After prayer and contemplation on this by the Leadership team, there is a sense that this is linked to John’s gospel chapters 7-9 and the Feast of Tabernacles (Leviticus 23).
The procession carried water from the pool of Siloam, circled the temple, then poured out the water - representing sins on the altar. This was repeated 7 times. On the final day of the feast the women would light the temple lamps which filled the temple with great brightness.
Playground water fountains in Wells Park
John 7 (37-38)  Jesus says on the final day of the feast If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink - whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from them (Holy spirit). (River of life scriptures John7:37-39, Ezekiel 47:9 and Isaiah 55: 1-2)

All of this leads to Christ Jesus. HE is our rock and from HIM living waters flow. When HE is lifted up (praised, blessed, adored) we start to dip our cups into the living water.  "If ANYONE is thirsty - come and drink"
I sense to strike the rock means we must not hold back:
  • Don’t hold back in lifting Jesus higher
  • Don’t hold back in pursuit of God and His Holy Spirit
  • Don’t hold back in radical worship
  • Don’t hold back in believing for salvation and healing
  • Don’t hold back in praying
  • Don’t hold back in taking the ground and streets
  • Don’t hold back in prophesying
  • Don’t hold back in generosity
  • The well is open *** The waters have broken *** Let era of joy burst forth with dancing, praise and worship *** The waters that were once bitter are now sweet!

The photographs above were taken on a prayer walk around Wells Park (SE London) in autumn 2012. I believe they are relevant to us as FHCC meets near the park and that the underground streams that feed 5 wells have their source in the park. 

The "wells" were known to have healing properties but the water turned bitter in the early 1900's and the wells were sealed. The vision to see the wells restored and the water sweet again has been laid on various peoples hearts - the walk in 2012 saw three generations of this vision coming together to pray. 

As we entered the play park area and tried to jump on the fountain triggers - nothing happened - we were praying again and a child ran onto the pads and the fountains "burst forth". I believe that we shall see this in the Spiritual.

Some links to previous posts that relate to this one:
  1. Birth: PUSH (pray until something happens)
  2. Solid rock: On solid rock we stand
  3. Wells 1: Open up the house for worship
  4. Wells 2:  In the beginning
  5. Honey: The honey is ready (taste & see that the LORD is good)
I am so very very excited about this and if you want to know Jesus and follow Him please feel free to email the address at the bottom of the page.

Blessings with love


Friday, 8 November 2013

Battle road-map for survival

Over the last few days God, through His Holy Spirit, has reminded me of His many promises and His intense love for humankind. Within this mix of divine affirmation and confirmation the Father has revealed an insidious fog of spiritual isolation, slumber which lulls saints into a false sense of powerlessness.

Some are just battle weary – not so much from grand spiritual battles but more like the little foxes nibbling away at and undermining our JOY and PEACE.

The little foxes are everyday stresses, pressures and discouragement brought about constant change, uncertainty, a barrage of constant negative headlines and an overwhelming social need. There appears to be an unnatural sense of busyness – like we’re rushing to get there and yet never arriving!

A word given to our prophetic healing street work brought these strongholds (isolation and powerlessness) into sharp focus two weeks ago. However within a church context I sense that believers in Christ need a gentle nudge of encouragement that they are not powerless and to guard against giving the enemy “head” space on isolation. I've fallen into this trap and it's very unpleasant!

As we look in expectation to personal and corporate revival with the command from Joshua 1, “arise , go over the Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving to them – the children of Israel” ringing in our spiritual ears I am reminded that God’s promises are “yes and amen”. The journey into that place of rest and safety - where we are firmly rooted and planted in His love – can be a minefield of seemingly endless pressure that is there to steal the belief and motivation to push on and through.

I’ve been delivered into and out of many skirmishes and battles over a 20 year period (documented at and can only but testify (shout & dance) to Gods amazing faithfulness through it all.  The greatest resources we have are Holy Spirit and scripture. 

In this season (if you are intent on moving forward, taking the land and seeing the new day) the book of Joshua is your manual, course, seminar and road-map all wrapped into one. 

The promises (Joshua 1 promises) are the foundation to stand on and wrap yourself into:
  1. Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon …. HE has given to you
  2. No man shall be able to stand before you
  3. I will not leave you nor forsake you and I am with you wherever you go
  4. You will have success and prosper (on this journey)
  5. The Father reinforces, by repeating, “Be strong and of good courage, do not be afraid nor be dismayed”

The road-map (route through the minefield):Whilst we muddle through and push forward along this road:

  1. God sends the most unexpected help to get us on our way
  2. We have to dip our feet in the water first – as an act of faith – before the waters part
  3. Time to take stock – circumcise our hearts before God -  ensure the past is dealt with and cut away
  4. Expect things that you have been used to change – sow into the future for the future
  5. Expect to meet “The Commander of Heavens Armies”
  6. Worship brings walls down and gets the enemy on the run
  7. Defeat is revisited with success
  8. The past may at times seem better
  9. Be on the guard for deception which can lead to compromise
  10. The battle does intensify and appears to come at you from every angle
  11. Believe it or not, you get stronger with every skirmish

Be encouraged & know this!
Looking at all the skirmishes and battles that Joshua encountered it is good to be reminded that EVERY ENEMY Joshua & Co came up against:
  • Had heard about what God had done
  • Were afraid
  • Their hearts melted
  • Their spirits left them
  • They cowered

Take time out – camp and take stock. 
Grab time to sit at the feet of Jesus, chat to Him in prayer, let your tears flow at His feet, let Him touch your bruised spirit, wash your feet, feed your soul and shine His light to warm the chilled atmosphere.

Ask Holy Spirit to write these verses from 2 Corinthians 4 (7 - 18) on your mind.

Cast Down but Unconquered: But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed—  always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.

Seeing the Invisible: Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

Remember always, Romans 8:31 (NKJV) "What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? "

Its OK to take time out (encamp to refresh and restock) BUT never give up.

With much love 


Related posts:  

Saturday, 7 September 2013

The honey is ready: taste and see that the Lord is good!

For seven days since 30 August, I've been in a type of "prophetic bubble" and over the years I've learned that God often gets my attention by odd physical occurrences.

It started on the Friday evening, just as I was leaving home for the prayer meeting - a dove dropped out of our chimney into the grate. My sons and I managed to catch it and set it free out of the windows.
This was followed on the Sunday evening private time with Jesus with a vision of a stream moving gently through a wooded area - then the landscape changed to an urban setting and the stream continued to flow along the street - slowly rising onto pavements etc. This was followed by the scripture Ish 51 v 3 which says; "For the Lord will comfort Zion, He will comfort all her waste places; He will make her wilderness like Eden, And her desert like the garden of the Lord; Joy and gladness will be found in it, Thanksgiving and the voice of melody."

And now the honey! Within this week, whilst at our fellowship leadership team meeting, had a still picture of two massive bee hives hanging to the side of the tree. No bees evident but heard in my spirit, "the honey is ready" - two days later as whilst trying to get to sleep I kept getting a waft/smell  of honey around me - so light on and into the scriptures AND Song of Solomon 4 very 11. It speaks of the Grooms kisses dripping as the honeycomb etc.

So......... I sense the Father is saying to us that "it is time". The things that have been held back are now released; blockages have been removed and we are free to reach out for those things that have either eluded us and/or been too hard to achieve. the stream of His presence will flow and increase into our physical lives and become tangible. As we reach out to Him during this time we will know the kiss of Christ (fresh revelation of Jesus) and we will soon take delivery of our inheritance (which is Christ Jesus).

Taste and see - the Lord is good.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Ring of fire

I am reminded of the night of prayer on the same evening as the 2012 Olympic opening ceremony (27 July) where God - quite astoundingly - showed in the spirit realm EXACTLY what was happening over the stadium at the time - the picture of a lasoo of fire encircling the place and then one by one rings of fire coming out of the sky.

I've contemplated this a lot the last few weeks - asking the Father what it meant and what the intention of His heart is - 12 months later. A couple of things have come to mind most based on Zechariah 2:5 (NKJ) says,  “For I,’ says the LORD, ‘will be a wall of fire all around her, and I will be the glory in her midst.” and the plethora of words on prayer & unity we've had as a fellowship and nation.
  • Single focus of prayer across the land in the lead up to the games is the lasoo - the ring of fire, ignited by prayer, is the ring of fire of protection, guidance, a drawing in etc etc
  • The fire coming down is symbolic of the Holy Spirit (Glory of God)- the fact that in the vision the rings came down incrementally gives me the impression of a staged increase of Gods power amongst us. (This has been evidenced in the renewal within our fellowship since the new year and the Hand of God moving in answers to prayers and seeing shoots of healing)
  • Added to this was the word from a visiting preacher (Micah) when he preached at FHCC and preached on Ezekiel (the valley of the dry bones) with a word for both FHCC and the UK, "when we start to see/hear the bones rattle - it is time to prophesy again"
Last Saturday evening - when before the Father with a completely unrelated issue to this He laid on my heart 1 Samuel 10(1-13) and as this links to another promise (word) for our fellowship about "new heart and new Spirit" I felt compelled to encourage those who have prophesied into/over FHCC to come together to pray and stand in agreement that the will of the God for us now manifest - that the spiritual things we have sown into now flourish and bring forth fruit. I also sense it is now time to up the pace & intensity of worship & prayer and change gears (Yvonne's word to FHCC in December last year)

I've attached the picture version of some of the key promises we've had as a fellowship and I would urge you, as Holy Spirit leads, to bring these to the mercy seat in your private times with God. For ease of reference below is a list of some of the words that link the dots of this email:
I am also reminded and conscious that we have the angelic host with us to ensure that the will of God is accomplished. My prayer is that scales will drop off our eyes - hearts will be renewed and that we all experience the breath of God in this coming season.

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Stand and withstand

This is the year of the "song of the redeemed" with very clear indicators that angels will be present where believers in Christ meet and gather.  They will be there to ensure that the will of God happens and to witness as we worship and give praise through our songs (testimony) of salvation.

They will be there to witness the ushering in of the lost.

Whilst there is a concerted focus on evangelism and reaching the unsaved there is also a deep need to ensure that believers in Christ, within fellowships & churches, are watered and fed to strengthen their faith to be able to stand and withstand the upheaval of the world in this coming season. Referring to the tongue and vision below, whilst the storms of life are raging (I also sense we will see physical manifestations of fire, wind and water) our ears must be attuned to the gentle whisper of the Father.

There is also a need for us to gather in those who are no longer in fellowship and work towards strengthening the walls of our faith. Like in the book of Ezra, God changed the heart of the nation whilst they built the walls. This ties in totally with the overarching promise from Ezekiel about the "new heart & Spirit within”

Tongue & vision: physical elements of fire, wind & rain with "Hear the word of the Lord" and then gentle elements of stream and then whispering wind with "Hear the word of the Lord".  The vision was horrible (really shook me) - but lying ahead is a period of deep pain & suffering for the world around us. Life as we know it will be turned upside-down.

The Lord in His mercy has shown that as we believe and in service to the world (our local communities, neighbours etc) the flow of His provision will be without end – the only restriction will be the restriction we place on ourselves, our resources and our thinking.

We must be ready to stand, withstand and rescue.

Other related posts

Joy (compiled from a number of people's input)

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Love, live and shine

Recently our Father has been saying and demonstrating "And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart." (Ezekiel 26 v 36 New Living Translation)

This note is about the treasure WITHIN our fellowship. A beautiful nugget of gold in a young women in our fellowship. Be encouraged in your walk of faith with Jesus. With her permission and in her own words, below is the testimony that was shared last Sunday. 

"I have had for the past 2 or 3 weeks a big movement in my life from God, in which he seems determined to rid me of some things/ topics that have caused pain and hurt in me for many years, things that until recently (until speaking with Alison and Monica) I didn't realise were hindering my happiness and growth as a Christian and as a person.