Wednesday, 31 October 2012

FHCC: freedom to fly

I sense the Lord is saying to us as a church fellowship that we must keep focussed on the spiritual aspects of church life (prayer, fasting, worship and bible teaching) the initiatives that have been birthed (envisioned) from within or out of FHCC/H4G will begin to replicate and grow organically. Doors that have appeared closed to certain things and areas of stagnation will open and shift (start to flow personally and corporately).

We will see a distinct change in prayer activity, Malham coming of age as a worship centre and a functioning well for the community, the food bank will prosper beyond expectation and our treasure hunting will bear visible fruit. 

The input has come over the weekend of fasting, prayer and treasure hunting - from a range of people - all rather exciting when seen as a whole!

Monday 15/10/12 had a vision as I was drifting off to sleep.  Saw my bedroom door opening and a shaft of light shining through. It was so real that I got up as I was sure I’d turned off the lights – obviously door was closed and lights were off. With this I’ve had Psalm 118 which is all about the MERCY of God that endures but ends with, “Open to me the gates of righteousness; I will go through them, And I will praise the Lord.  This is the gate of the Lord, Through which the righteous shall enter” 

On Friday night Naomi shared about how mercy had been impressed on her and Chris shared the scripture Acts 12:10, “When they were past the first and the second guard posts, they came to the iron gate that leads to the city, which opened to them of its own accord; and they went out and went down one street, and immediately the angel departed from him.”

Stephane had a vision on Friday night of a pool of stagnant water – the water was covered with slime/grime but clean water was sprinkling over it and it began to stir the stagnant water – ripples moved out wider - the clean water was moving the stagnant water out.

Paul shared about how adjusting the approach to a problem has brought about a positive result – this linked to the disciples being instructed by Jesus to “cast the net on the other side” when their catch was empty. This is the exact scripture and word that Hugh Osgood gave us a few years ago – it was at a leadership lunch with him at H4G – and if I remember correctly it was specific to breakthrough in “evangelism” and Hugh sensed that we needed a minor adjustment to realise breakthrough.

We shared the pregnancy/birth word a while back (and gave the dates etc) – The weekend of Graham Kendrick was roughly 9 months from the word given to at Malham.

24/10/2012: had a prayer vision where I had an aerial view of a baby in a hospital cot in a hospital nursery – baby was healthy and robust looking but I saw that it had an oxygen mask on – as I looked more closely saw that the mask was an AIRLINE mask (with that yellow bag type thing) – it was attached to the air tube coming out of the sky.  As I watched this baby and consciously asking God what this was about the baby started to replicate – a new baby on either side – each in their own cots – this kept happening until the room was filled with babies in cots.  They were all in either green or yellow baby grows. I asked the Father how many there were and if this would stop – whisper in my spirit was “it’s up to you – as many as you want”

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