Monday, 14 September 2009

Small things that count

My dream, on Saturday night, was about my "grow bag" in the garden - in the spring I'd planted two sweet pepper plants and one chillie plant - they both look the same and I'd been in the garden on Saturday looking at them - cause I could not figure out which one was which.  In the dream I was looking at this grow bag and all three plants were full of fruit and I could easily see which was sweet pepper and which was the chillie - I started to laugh as I could sense God's sense of humour in this - and He asked me to look carefully at them and asked me what I saw: 
  •  When He plants something HE knows what the outcome will be.
  • All three plants are pepper based and are used for flavour - to add to what is already there, they have the same function - however;
  • The smaller chillie fruit has more power in it - greater impact than that of the larger sweet pepper.  Even the tiny seeds inside the chillie carry the fire/flavour
  • It's the small things that count - only one small chillie is needed to flavour an entire meal. 

  • Joy

Sunday, 13 September 2009

Paradigm shift

13 September 2009: Sunday night near the end of the time of worship and prayer I had a "picture" of stacks/bundles of wheat all standing upright in a harvested field - they were in a straight line and I felt prompted to count them - 11 in number.  

Initially I dismissed it thinking tha change from one way of thinking to another. It's a revolution, a transformation, a sort of metamorphosis. It just does not happen, but rather it is driven by agents of change" or " The term paradigm shift, as a change in a fundamental model of events"
at perhaps I'd watched & read too much about Joseph.  However, the Holy Spirit kept prompting me to think about it and eventually I investigated the meaning of 11 and …….. 11 means paradigm shift  "

Wheat represents the souls of mankind.


Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Living on the edge and getting our house in order

8 September 2009: We have to get our house in order for the season that is nearly upon us. (Various visions/dreams below)  We have to ensure that all aspects of finance, church governance, plans, pastoral care etc are in place - in such a manner that it can expand and grow - to prepare for the future in faith. Wealth, talents, gifting & knowledge must be "indexed" and available for use for the Kingdom. The impact of what will happen at FHCC will influence and impact believers (churches) across London and beyond.  If we agree and work in co-operation with Holy Spirit, this work will be swift with a smooth transition.  The work of the Holy Spirit will be deep and powerful.

The caveat!  W
e will be expected to live on the edge - totally out of our comfort zone.  This is not a comfortable place for many and will feel strange.  BUT - God has promised to be with us always and if we move to that cliff edge we will know the fullness of God's plan for us. 
