Restoration, repentance and reconciliation
- restoration, repentance and reconciliation - restoration, repentance
and reconciliation. If you want to see my spirit released in your
churches I call you to restoration, reconciliation and repentance
(This was a sound/roar released from heaven) HE is not bound in any shape, form, space or time by His creation. HE is above and beyond.
Preach: Tap into the heritage of the wells that God has already created in the area. Genesis 26 very significant, the names of the wells are significant – first two (Esek
means dispute and Sitnah
means opposition) they left and the second two (Rehoboth
means room and Shibah
can mean oath or seven) where they stayed and were blessed. We need to unblock or re-dig or dig deeper in old wells; and dig new ones. Embrace both halves of our heritage, a call to evangelism and seeing people saved
AND a call to change communities and society, to stand up for the poor and fight for justice and righteousness.