I've contemplated this a lot the last few weeks - asking the Father what it meant and what the intention of His heart is - 12 months later. A couple of things have come to mind most based on Zechariah 2:5 (NKJ) says, “For I,’ says the LORD, ‘will be a wall of fire all around her, and I will be the glory in her midst.” and the plethora of words on prayer & unity we've had as a fellowship and nation.
- Single focus of prayer across the land in the lead up to the games is the lasoo - the ring of fire, ignited by prayer, is the ring of fire of protection, guidance, a drawing in etc etc
- The fire coming down is symbolic of the Holy Spirit (Glory of God)- the fact that in the vision the rings came down incrementally gives me the impression of a staged increase of Gods power amongst us. (This has been evidenced in the renewal within our fellowship since the new year and the Hand of God moving in answers to prayers and seeing shoots of healing)
- Added to this was the word from a visiting preacher (Micah) when he preached at FHCC and preached on Ezekiel (the valley of the dry bones) with a word for both FHCC and the UK, "when we start to see/hear the bones rattle - it is time to prophesy again"
Saturday evening - when before the Father with a completely unrelated
issue to this He laid on my heart 1 Samuel 10(1-13) and as this links to
another promise (word) for our fellowship about "new heart and new Spirit"
I felt compelled to
encourage those who have prophesied into/over FHCC to come together to
pray and stand in agreement that the will of the God for us now manifest
- that the spiritual things we have sown into now flourish and bring
forth fruit. I also sense it is now time to up the pace & intensity of worship & prayer and change gears (Yvonne's word to FHCC in December last year)
attached the picture version of some of the key promises we've had as a
fellowship and I would urge you, as Holy
Spirit leads, to bring these to the mercy seat in your private times
with God. For ease of reference below is a list of some of the words that link the dots of this email:
I am also reminded and conscious that we have the angelic host with us to ensure that the will of God is accomplished. My
prayer is that scales will drop off our eyes - hearts will be renewed
and that we all experience the breath of God in this coming season.
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