Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Treasure to be found

On Monday (12/12/2011) evening I had a spontaneous vision of the Kimberley diamond mine which was closed around 1902 (picture right) and as the sun moved across the hole I could see in the depths the glitter of diamonds deep below the surface - diamonds that had been buried and never brought to the surface. The word in my spirit was plumb the depths, plumb the depths. The vision then changed to a very steep and dark vertical tunnel and looking up into the sunlight at the entrance a man started to climb down; he was going to the depths to uncover/recover the diamonds.

Message (individual): We are seeing the ushering in of a season of recovery - recovery and bringing to the surface of those spiritual treasures that are sown into our DNA/fellowships/networks and which will be used for saving souls. This has to work in conjunction with plumbing the depths of scripture with Christ at the centre - making this our breastplate. It may well be a lonely, uncomfortable place to move into - but God is with us to explore the deep recesses of our souls. Christ's light will shine to navigate the way and help is already on the way - signposts on how to access this treasure will start to appear; so will opportunities prsent themselves to take hold of them and apply to everyday life.
Message (At a local level): This reflects that the covered wells are now open, the water is filling up and as we focus on Jesus and make HIM central to our message we will start to see the treasure of souls we are longing for - this is awesome as it is far wider, deeper and bigger than we expect!!


Note:  Kimberly mine was an open cast mine and yeileded some of the biggest gems globally - one of which sits in HRM crown.  It's also interesting to note that the modern "Kimberly process" is a global initiative to ensure that "blood diamonds" don't enter the supply chains - these are diamonds that are sourced/mined from conflict areas and where profits are used to fuel the arms trade and war. 

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Knock and the door WILL open

God is amazing! (17/11/2011) Our little home group in SE London experienced a wave of Holy Spirit washing over us - everyone prophesying, praying for each other, singing spontaneously with a download of visions, words and scripture.

A pertinent vision is one that relates to the time of waiting that many of us have found ourselves in - the vision came with a door swinging open with the open doorway filled with the radiance of Christ ...... And a deep assurance for those who have been in a place of waiting and/or transition and have kept their focus on Christ, the door to the new day is about to open. Jesus's words echo through time ..... "Knock and the door shall open"
Amen & amen - come Lord Jesus - come. 

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Gods' people revolution (WAKE UP!)

Wake up, wake up, O sleeper. Stand up and unite.   

The time is short.  You have all the power given to you. Come to me in prayer, I have limitless resources.  Wake up, wake up, it is time to stop talking about things but to take action.  I am waiting for you to partner with me in the work.

Then a picture of Moses with his arms raised holding his staff, so the Israelites could win their battle.  This representing our role in the heavenly battles as we pray and get involved, battles can be won and we can see God’s kingdom established in our area.

God is not as impressed or concerned about human dates and numbers as we are! (Y2K, 11.11.11 etc) But nevertheless, the anointing of the Holy Spirit did fall on a date 50 days after Jesus death and resurrection at PENTECOST. God knows the seasons - Be in tune with the seasons of God as He is raising the people. Christians rising up, actively participating in His plan out of which streams of living water will flow.
Word compiled from an interpretation to two tongue's at house-group meeting 3 November 2011

Monday, 26 September 2011

Will you weep?

Will we weep for our nation (UK)? 
I've been deeply challenged by the Father over the last few weeks with this question and it ties in with a vision where I saw pockets of believers dotted across the map of the UK (including NI, Wales & Scotland) bent over, repenting and weeping with deep remorse for the nation. 
The flood of tears from each group wet the earth and in my spirit I knew that this water was to water the seeds that they had sown.  
Psalm 126:6 (NKJV): He who continually goes forth weeping, Bearing seed for sowing, Shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, Bringing his sheaves with him.
We (church folk) often tend to take the moral high ground on society concerns - but God is calling us to get down on our knees, not just to pray, but to let the Father break our hearts and give us eyes to see the world as HE sees it.

Are you prepared to weep and have your heart broken?

Breaking through the glass ceiling

Two weeks ago - almost in a state of exhaustion - went to lay down in our sick room at work and I heard in my spirit the words "glass ceiling" and as I pondered this it resonated as it's felt for a very long time that at Malham we get glimpses of heaven .... that heaven sees us ... our prayers are ascending, but bouncing off this "glass ceiling" - the encouraging aspect though is that whereas in the past there has been a fog hanging over us - now it's clear.

So last night - as the sung worship was happening kept hearing in my spirit "look up - look up"  as I did so, saw a staircase (literally stone stairs suspended in the the air) and the Father impressed on my heart about Jacob's ladder and that a doorway was opening - the glass ceiling was being shifted.  I knew that we were not called to climb "higher" BUT that there was an exchange happening and that the room was being filled with an angelic presence and they were fuelling the sung worship) .  Reading Genesis
(28:10–19) today has encouraged me so much and I trust that you will be encouraged:
"He came to the place and stayed there that night, because the sun had set. Taking one of the stones of the place, he put it under his head and lay down in that place to sleep. And he dreamed that there was a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven; and behold, the angels of God were ascending and descending on it! And behold, the Lord stood above it [or "beside him"] and said, "I am the Lord, the God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac; the land on which you lie I will give to you and to your descendants; and your descendants shall be like the dust of the earth, and you shall spread abroad to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south; and by you and your descendants shall all the families of the earth bless themselves. Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done that of which I have spoken to you." Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, "Surely the Lord is in this place; and I did not know it." And he was afraid, and said, "This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven."
I went across to Terry as I know he is a seer - told him about the above and then almost as a joke said "If you see them - let me know and let me know what they are doing".  I had hardly got back to the other side of the room when Andy boomed out with Revelation 5 which is a clear description of angelic activity before the throne.  How awesome is our God - it tipped me into a state of total awe and wonder at how God does that! 

As I've been trawling through stuff about angels - the thing that chucks at my heart is the fact that angels only act on God's command - SO - that tells me that HE is hearing us, HE is responding to us AND this is the advance guard to prepare us for receiving HIM.


Thursday, 1 September 2011

The lion will leap and the beast will fall

Sunday 28 August 2011 at Forest Hill Community Church

The picture given is wholly about the overwhelming
strength and power of the Lion

"The Lion springs up
He gathers his strength and begins to run. He runs and bounds forwards 
The beast sees him and flees from him
The end is certain!

The Lion will leap and the beast will fall"

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

The church must leave the building!

We have seen so much unsettling change in the last few years culminating with the riots in London. The Lord has laid on my heart the message that it is time to leave the safety of our buildings and get onto the streets with the message of hope and salvation. Every believer in Christ can do this ….. it’s dead easy!

The “streets” won’t come to us (the established church) – we have to go to them. Now more than ever, house to house, shop to shop, station to station, borough to borough, school to school, park to park as we walk, talk, shop, travel, meet and greet we must actively pray and release the love and peace of Christ onto our streets.  Prayer works and changes the atmosphere. (See “combustible prayer May 2008)

Friday, 10 June 2011

Garden of responsibility: ALL are needed

The Lord showed me a well kept lawn area which was part of a larger garden - there appeared to be preparation going on, tables being put out and kids playing around.  At the end of this lawned area there was a pathway leading to another part of the garden - the area was walled and was laid out with raised planter boxes with people tending veggie's etc and chatting. As I walked around it became apparent that each box had a different soil type and the plants growing were suited to that soil type and that each plant/veg/fruit type had a person responsible for that particular plant/veg/fruit etc.

What struck me is that the "responsible person" was an expert on their area of responsibility and in the vision these experts were sharing information and giving advice to each other with passion and enthusiasm.

I sensed that the head gardener had come into the walled area and he was saying that the meal was nearly ready and could everyone bring to the table what had been grown - he emphasized that to ensure the success of the meal - every part of the garden had something to contribute - in fact it was the diversity of the "fruit of garden" that would make the meal - every element (herbs, greens, legumes, fruit etc etc) was needed.


Monday, 16 May 2011

A fourth wave is coming to cleanse the land

Sunday 15 May 2011 (Forest Hill Community Church)

"There was a wave which swept over the land. It swept away the old things and changed the landscape forever.

There was a second wave, different from the first; it refreshed and renewed what the first wave had done.

Then there was a third wave, but this wave was dark and full of destruction. It swept over the land sweeping things away and leaving devastation in it's wake. That's where things stayed. 

A fourth wave is coming! 
 A fourth wave is coming!
   A fourth wave is coming!

This wave will wash away the debris of the third wave and will cleanse the land.  This wave is what the Spirit wants,  not what man desires"

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Open the doors!

 Psalm 24 (7 to 10)

 7 Lift up your heads, O you gates!
         And be lifted up, you everlasting doors!
         And the King of glory shall come in.
 8 Who is this King of glory?
         The LORD strong and mighty,
         The LORD mighty in battle.
 9 Lift up your heads, O you gates!
         Lift up, you everlasting doors!
         And the King of glory shall come in.
 10 Who is this King of glory?
         The LORD of hosts,
         He is the King of glory.  Selah 


Monday, 28 March 2011

Two phase tornado - double dip recession and a call to holiness

Visions of whirlwinds/tornado (7 September 2008 @ H4G in Sydenham)

In September 2008 I had a two part vision of whirlwinds/tornado's and believe this is linked into a warning of a two phase recession/economic meltdown.

Last week however received an email about a prophecy given in 1987 given by a David Minor and the words resonated in my spirit and ties in with what I believe is a call to holiness.  Using a saying from Bob Sorge - holiness being our proximity to the throne of grace.  The more time we spend in the prescence of God, the more we are radiated with HIS holiness.

The two visions and the word from David Minor are below.

Clear expanse of farmland, very open and in full harvest (bright skies, warm etc), a post-card picture of peace and tranquillity.  Looking up I saw coming towards me a tornado - immense and travelling at great speed.  The tornado almost appeared to be odd shape as the base of the tornado seemed disproportionate in size to the funnel at the top.  The base covered a huge expanse of space.  I did not have a sense of fear.

About an hour later:

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

God's passion for HIS people

Thinking about Sunday night at Malham Christian Centre - digging deep to find the words to express how humbling, yet awesome, it is to know that you’ve been in the presence of the Father and that because of Christ Jesus His son, through a flow of worship, psalm singing, pictures and words, we had the privilege of touching HIS heart with a enduring sense of the eternal pulse beating in each of us present.

What comes to mind about last night is the word convergence – a meeting point of all senses, intellect, past prophetic utterances, desires of the heart - fuelled by unity of worship and bathed in the cry of the heart that cried out “SUCH LOVE”

Monday, 21 February 2011

Ensure your lamps are full of oil

Word: There is a jar of oil with your name on it!
(the message of new oil and keeping lamps full has been given twice at Malham Centre - by two different people at different times)

The word relates to a dream from July 2008 and it is a call to ensure that our lamps are full of oil. We are to be proactive about filling our lamps so that they can be lit by the fire of Holy Spirit. It is time to seek the Lord and as we pray and seek Him, there is a store of oil that has been prepared for individual anointing and we now have access to it. 
Matthew 25: 1 to 13 (The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins)

The dream came at the tail end of nearly 8 weeks of a call to pray - the oil that will be poured out is a fresh revelation of Christ. The perfume of Christ will increase until the place of worship is filled with His presence and the vessels that are prepared will receive their own individual perfume - this will be the anointing that is to be carried onto the "streets" - i.e. out of the church. Perfume can only become oil once it’s been pressed and steamed - it also means the death of the source plant. “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain”. Php 1:21


Wednesday, 16 February 2011



It is time to wake up; the alarm is ringing and it is time to come out from the comfort the spiritual duvet. It is time to wake up and get to the task. Some have been seduced into comfort zones but the Holy Spirit will enable you to hear the alarm and to arise from that place of sleep. The serpents’ head is crushed and there is victory in personal and corporate situations.


WHY? (Ecclesiastes 11:1 to 8) It is time to cast your bread on the waters;

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Unity and cohesion (New vision for London, Metro newspaper 19th January 2011)

Last week the London Metro newspaper had a front cover with the words "A new vision for London" with pictures of the pods on the London Eye. The London Eye has changed ownership, been revamped and open for business again.  

This brought to mind an experience in 2006 where the London Eye featured as a model for the church in London. With a powerful visitation from the Father directly after Pentecost I was stirred to read the story of Hezekiah and the re-opening of the temple. 

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Restore, repent & reconcile

Restoration, repentance and reconciliation - restoration, repentance and reconciliation - restoration, repentance and reconciliation. If you want to see my spirit released in your churches I call you to restoration, reconciliation and repentance (This was a sound/roar released from heaven) HE is not bound in any shape, form, space or time by His creation. HE is above and beyond.


Wednesday, 12 January 2011

DON'T GIVE UP: Story of Terah


Word about Terah (Genesis 11 v 31) Terah was called to the land of Canaan but he never got there because he stopped half way – we are called to go all the way with and for God, not to get comfortable with where we are at, but to continue to push forward and into all God has promised us. Is it possible that the covenant promises given to Abram could have been given to Terah had he pressed on? If so:

  • Tongue interpretation: Come near beloved, come near – step out and toward me, come near beloved, come near.  Press in or miss out be obedient to God, or he'll find another who is!

Step out in faith and see how God’s economy works, when we stop half way in what God has planned for us and remain in our comfort zone - stopping half way cuts off the blessing/provision that God has in store for us.

The Lord blessed us with a scripture about renewal from Isaiah 61, which explains in detail the “Year of the Lord’s favour”